Christine Green

Dec 9, 2021

4 stories

Amesbury's Mayor Kassandra Gove

If you read only one piece in this list make it THIS ONE. It's an in-depth chronicle of Mayor Gove's first year in office - much (but not all) of what she accomplished. Spoiler - she far exceeded my expectations.
The first piece I wrote about Mayor Gove. Inspired by her inaugural speech I wrote this essay of my interpretation of what she was trying to communicate to the people of Amesbury and who I hoped she might be as our mayor.
I wrote this after watching the police chief's first Facebook Live broadcast where he mentioned being inspired by the mayor's broadcasts and told us he wanted to be vulnerable and answer our questions. He then told us he had to end early because he was heading over to our first LGBTQ Pride celebration.

Christine Green

Christine Green

Skills Coach. Strengthen your boundaries, speak up & be heard, communicate with compassion: